+44 1636 616060
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Agricultural Tours
Forthcoming Worldwide Agricultural Tours. Perhaps there is something of interest to you...
Shows & Events
For travel assistance with the forthcoming UK and overseas agricultural shows and events, click here ...
Breed Societies
We are the preferred tour organiser for many UK world congresses. See the societies we are currently assisting...

Welcome to Field Farm Tours Ltd

Based in Newark, Nottinghamshire, Field Farm Tours Ltd are a long standing UK specialist, in the organisation of farming based tours, both in the UK and worldwide.

We are the preferred agent for many breed society world congresses and travel partners of major agricultural events both home and abroad, providing accommodation for visitors and exhibitors.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team, both in the office and in the field, provide a personal and friendly service and genuinely care about organising a tour that exceeds all of your expectations. 

We are delighted to offer you a unique group or bespoke opportunity to travel, with like minded people of any age.  

We aim to ensure we offer agricultural based unforgetable experiences, which include the history and culture of the countries we visit. 

In addition, we are members of ATOI (Agricutlural Tour Operators International) a world-wide agricultural specialist tour orgnaisation, with colleagues in most worldwide destinations and are fully ATOL bonded.  Assuring you are in safe hands when travelling with us.

Field Farm Tours can offer clients an on-line booking service and an option to Manage your Booking through our website. Tours that can be booked on-line will have a 'book now' button on the full details page of the tour or event. Once you have made a booking you will be allocated a client reference number that can be used in conjuction with your registered email address to manage your booking to make payments, add personal contact information and passport details if applicable. 

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Visit our Facebook page for all our up to date news
Date: 27/01/2023
Here is a link to our facebook page where you can find all our latest news, insights to our tours and previews of what is coming up....
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